Self Made Boss and Mompreneur | La Clé Management
This month, in honor of Mother’s Day we wanted to share yet another inspirational story of a mompreneur so we are collaborating with Thalia Lacle of La Clé Management. Thalia is definitely an inspiration to many entrepreneurs and mompreneurs.
Who is Thalia?
Thalia is a mom of a 13 year old boy, who she is extremely proud of. She is 30 years old and has been in a relationship with her partner for over 10 years, they are growing stronger together by the day and she tells us that he is her future business partner as well.
Thalia is the founder of La Clé Management, which she launched back in 2019 after obtaining her BBA.
“Back then I was working in sales, and was transitioning to work in real estate.” Thalia started her business, La Clé Management (LCM), because she fell in love with social media and soon realized that the modern way of growing a business has completely shifted into digital strategies instead of traditional strategies. Due to the bureaucracy in the company she was working at back then, she was not able to really make an impact within the companies. Not without working there for over 10 years and then hopefully be able to make a change… so she started LCM.
Another motivation for starting her own business was her son. Knowing she was not able to spend much time with him working in a 9-5 setting, she wanted to do something that allowed her to be with him when he was home, and make an impact for businesses.
We know that digital marketing is a very competitive field nowadays, so how does Thalia stand out and what inspired her to start a business in this field?
During her studies, Thalia learned that great marketing strategies can be very impactful when you have a big budget and all the means. But she was wondering, what about the smaller businesses? What about the trends and new age strategies that are constantly popping up? “Back in 2019, when we already saw a spike in influencer marketing and entertainment trends, big businesses were not so eager to jump on that bandwagon just yet but I knew there were big wins to get there and that throughout the years it would become more impactful.” Looking at the current marketing field, Thalia is happy that she entered this industry. Thalia also loves working with others in the field who have an expertise in digital marketing that is not her own. Stronger together is therefore also one her motto’s she stands by.
So, how does this boss lady keep the inspiration alive when she feels stuck?
Managing multiple clients with multiple strategies can be quite challenging. Thalia is very honest and says that you can’t always stay motivated. She has learned this the hard way. She has pushed herself so hard in the beginning which caused her to fail hard. This made her realize how important it is to take care of your mental health and to self-care. Listen to your body and mind and really take a break. “When you feel stuck, it’s mostly because your energy is completely drained. Take a break to refocus and replenish” says Thalia.
My main advice in this is workflow, strategy, and planning. These 3 essentials are what keep your business going even when you are not. Something that Thalia also makes sure to do is to continue educating herself in different areas.
On balancing mom and work life, especially running your own business:
1. Do what you love and fight for it! This will keep you energized and have enough energy for the kids.
2. Don’t just work to survive, be in the moment, know that work is not all that matters, and just remember to have fun.
3. Listen to your body, learn to really get to know your body, and plan all the work, fun, rest, family time moments around it. Don’t ever think that you are less worthy just because you haven’t been able to reach that one goal. It just means there is something better coming your way. Re-strategize, refocus and keep going!
Thalia’s advice for others who want to start their own business but are scared to take the step.
First and foremost Thalia says that: “You will always be scared. I was scared, everyone who ever started a business was scared at one point. But you will not get anywhere by staying in the same place. Growth is always a scary place. We are wired to be scared of any change happening. But you can acknowledge that it is what it is, and make the choice to face it and maybe fail, or maybe make your dreams come true, OR stay where you are and go through life without the highs and lows and just flatlining through life.
We thank Thalia for being so honest and motivational and sharing these positive tips. We hope that her story was able to inspire future entrepreneurs and mompreneurs and even current ones who are feeling a bit stuck or in need of inspiration. And to all mompreneurs know that you are doing great and remember that balance is key!