Who is your audience? Develop your market research with Dave Martinus
Who is your audience? Develop your market research with Dave Martinus
Want to learn what's needed to become the entrepreneur YOU want to BE? BoldTV is where you should be allocating your time.
Who is your audience? Develop your market research with Dave Martinus
Present your resources and skills as your business card and give your business its own identity; this will help you define your…
A Business Plan is the foundation of your business. Whether the entrepreneur is looking for financial help or a business owner is…
In this last episode for season 2, you will learn from experts in the fields of business, marketing, innovation, and media on…
In this episode, we present our interview with Tony & Radinka van Vuurden where they share their experience in coping with the…
Covid-19 brought unexpected changes for all not only in trade but also in the way of interaction with others. In this episode,…
Working from Home as a Retailer
Serghio Jansen shares his perspective on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected him as a performing artist and owner of his entertainment…
Omar-Steve Lejuez, a local entrepreneur with over 23 years of experience shares his views on how he thinks businesses should adapt to…